Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reading Journal- Marley and Spanky were seperated at birth

I have been home all afternoon and the entire time my dog, Spanky, has been following me and sharing food with me. So, while I was reading Marley and Me, he was attached to my hip and I would always read things about Marley, that reminded me of Spanky. Then, I would glance over at Spanky, and he always seemed to be either smiling at me as if he was proud, or getting into some trouble of

In chapter 16, Marley was in a movie and some of the the things he did I could relate to greatly. Like how he wouldn't listen. Recently, Spanky hasn't been following the commands I'll give him, as Marley did. Also, the teenage girl on the set screeched, "Oh my God! His thing is out!" I laughed because it reminded me of my friend's reaction of when that happened to my dog just yesterday. As an owner of a male dog, I can relate, but I found it very funny.

In the next chapter John and his family moved to a neighborhood full of superficial residents, who he has ironically written very badly about in his column in their local newspaper. Marley had an episode, but it wasn't anything new. At this time, I suppose I'll spend some time with my own dog and witness some of his episodes.