Sunday, September 7, 2008

Second Reading Journal

In the most recent selection that I have read in Breaking Through has been interesting but sad at times.  For example, when Francisco had to spend most of his summer working by picking strawberries.  I thought that this was astounding because I have never had a job before, let alone have to withstand heat and preform that much labor for that amount of time.  It was also disappointing when Francisco and his siblings had prepared to sell fish and then couldn't because others had stole their idea.  This made me particularly sad because they had been so excited to catch that many fish after previously catching none, only to have their hard work not be rewarded.    

It was very captivating to read about how Francisco repeatedly kept school a main priority.  As a student, I realize how challenging it can get at times to maintain good grades, and that is why I admire that he is able to do that in addition to having to work. 

Although it is very depressing to read about Francisco's father unable to provide for his family and have to endure unbearable back pain, it is very reassuring to read that his sons are being responsible and contributing as much money as they can to their family.  It was also very exciting to read that Francisco and Roberto obtained jobs with Mike Nevel.      

In Francisco's sophmore year, his English teacher reminded me of Kay because she also says not to summarize stories but to analyze it.  In this chapter he made many connections to the text that he was reading as I am doing right now.  

I discovered the meaning of Trampita's name, and I find this new knowledge notable because when I first read the name I thought, "Why would anyone name their child something that sounds like a tramp?"  So, now I know that that was because of the clothes that he wore when he was a baby from the city dump.  

It was very hurtful how racist Roberto's girlfriend's parents were.  It must be extremely difficult to come to the realization that others are so shallow as to judge you by your race.  Not only were the parents being unfair, but they also hurt Roberto and Francisco's feelings deeply.

In conclusion, this portion of the book, the Jimenez family has been involved in a variety a different situations and I have enjoyed reading and relating to them.